Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in the Vietnam War ‘Collie Boys’

Some 4,400 RAAF personnel saw active service during the Vietnam War. Of these fourteen were killed and 30 received serious injuries.  ‘Collie Boys’ served with the following Squadrons, (except 9 Sqn);

1. Number 2 Squadron, RAAF, Vietnam

‘Canberra Bomber’ Sqn based in Phan Rang. General bombing support Vietnam.

2. Number 79 Squadron, RAAF, Ubon Thailand. ‘Sabre Jet ‘Sqn’, based in Ubon Thailand.

Provided General Air support as part of SEATO nations assistance, on the North Vietnam Thailand border.

3. Number 35 Squadron, RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam, affectionately known as ‘Wallaby Airlines’.

Caribou Aircraft were used as general transport to all Australian Bases in Vietnam.

4. Number 5 (Airfield Construction) Squadron, RAAF.

5. Number 9 (Iroquois Helicopter) Squadron, RAAF.

General helicopter support Vietnam.

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